Military intelligence and surveillance robs me of my freedom!

Military intelligence and surveillance robs me of my freedom!

K., a resident of Batticaloa, said that Army intelligence officers would chase him and take pictures wherever he went. Mr. Sadasivam (80) has lodged a complaint with the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka.

He says he has not been able to function freely because of intelligence officials’ actions.

He has lodged this complaint against the Sri Lanka Army at No. 9, Thamaraikeni Road, Batticaloa.

He said that he would continue to face this persecution for the sole reason of being a Tamil.

‘I go to any political event in the Batticaloa district and the intelligence officers follow me and take pictures. This is an obstacle to my freedom. I have to limit my work. Unable to travel freely. That’s why I’m afraid something will happen to me. ‘.

He called on the Human Rights Commission to take action to prevent this.

– Batticaloa Sadasivam

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