Muslim journalists have no land due to ethnic differences!

Muslim journalists have no land due to ethnic differences!

Batticaloa journalist AH Abdul Hussain (54) has lodged a complaint with the Human Rights Commission alleging that lands were not given to Muslim journalists in the Batticaloa district due to ethnic differences.

A resident of Khair Road, Eravur, he has lodged a complaint against the District Secretariat and the District Secretary, alleging that the human rights violation took place in March 2021.

Lands have been given to 32 journalists in the Batticaloa district. His complaint also states that none of the Muslim journalists were involved in it. He says that there are documents, pictures and documents in the media section of the Divisional Secretariat as evidence for this.

Hussein said he had complained to the Human Rights Commission in June 2021 about the discrimination and that an investigation was underway, but no solution had been found.

Through the complaint, he has demanded that racial discrimination be stopped and that lands be given to Muslim journalists.

– Journalist Abdul Hussain

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