Harassment at the hands of an incompetent administration!

Harassment at the hands of an incompetent administration!


Krishika, a journalist based in Batticaloa, has lodged a complaint with the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) alleging that she was facing problems due to the actions of an incompetent senior official who did not know the administration.

The 23-year-old resident of Kanakupillai Road, Navatkuda, Batticaloa is working for the IBC Tamil Media Institute.

She has filed this complaint against S. Daranika, an executive officer of the company.

In her complaint, Krishika said, “That authority does not respect the staff. They are not allowed to work freely. She does not understand how to talk to other employees. It puts undue pressure on everything. In short, employees are treated like animals. Talk to the staff to confirm these facts. They work there with great frustration. ”

She said that these human rights violations had been taking place in the IBC Tamil Service since 2015, adding that this was due to a lack of administrative discipline and ignorance.

Employees remain silent about this for fear of losing their jobs. They avoid doing so because it affects family life as well.

In making this complaint, she calls for the creation of an environment in which one can work freely.

– Journalist Krishika

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