Elder brother who appeared for the sibling suffering from stress due to the behavior of the principal

Elder brother who appeared for the sibling suffering from stress due to the behavior of the principal

R.Ravindran, a resident of 30/3 Thamaraikeni, Batticaloa has lodged a complaint with the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) alleging that his brother was suffering from depression due to the principal’s actions.

He has lodged a complaint against the principal of Sithandi Maha Vidyalaya.

The principal always assigns different kinds of tasks to my brother, falsely accuses him and as a result, he is suffering from depression.

Ravindran said he had complained to the Zonal Director of Education about the incident, citing personal vengeance, administrative weaknesses and political policies.

– Ravindran from Batticaloa!

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