Take steps to ensure media freedom!

Take steps to ensure media freedom!

Local journalist L. Rifaideen, 60, has complained to the Human Rights Commission that he was attacked by an unknown group of young people who went to cover the Kinniya bridge ferry accident.

He has lodged the complaint against the Police Department, the Divisional Secretariat, the SP in charge of the Trincomalee Division and the Kinniya Divisional Secretary.

There he was traveling in a vehicle with the head of the Jamalia Mosque, a local journalist, in a vehicle at the time of the Kinniya bridge ferry accident on 20-21-11-21, while a group of unidentified youths interrupted my work. Not only that, I tried to snatch the phone by squeezing my neck. My car was hit hard. All this happened while the police were waiting. They left me after I showed my identity card. ‘

He further added that this was due to administrative weaknesses and political policies. He said that there was video evidence as well as an eyewitness account of the incident.

He also called for action to be taken to ensure media freedom.

– Journalist Rifaidin

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